Sunday, December 13, 2009

Urantia What Are Your Thoughts People On The Urantia Book ,...I'm A Christian And I Could Agree With The?

What are your thoughts people on the Urantia book ,...I'm a Christian and i could agree with the? - urantia

the potential for many levels of heaven and the peoples of the world, something like our military .................... more than spiritual guidance ...... Which is about the universe in their own fields (galaxies), stipulates that the people are in the probationary period at the moment, because they rebelled and followed a specific order from General ...... In particular, the Satari (Satan), so that the sector more .. Country ............. indicating that a thousand orders Satari in the universe, these are the generals of that kind, but usually only rebelled and some less intelligent beings has been followed by many ,..... which states that people are .............. that compared to the higher authorities of the universe, we are not as tight as ........ Personal intelligent than I take this idea, because look what people do for the world and our neighbors.

It is a pleasure to read the greatest expansion of the universe.

What are your thoughts of the people.


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